After receiving an automatic SysPer2 Notification that your CDR 2012 has been launched, you have to fill in your self evaluation within 8 working days. Justified absences (holiday, sickleave, missions) do not count for this deadline, and therefore prolong it.

Refer to the Common appraisal standards: before drafting your self evaluation, have a look at the common appraisal standards that will lateron be used by your hierarchy!

Use as much language as possible applicable to your own situation. Why? Because your hierarchy will use these texts to draft your evaluation report .

Check your objectives and job description, and draft your self evaluation with reference to them. If your job description or objectives are not up to date, do mention this fact in your self assessment.

It is advisable to start with an introductory phase stating something like:

  • I fulfilled all my objectives
  • I outperformed my objectives because…..
  • I was not in a position to fulfil the objective X entirely because of (add objective reason)
  • under particularly difficult circumstances such as…..
  • etc

Be aware that your self assessment will remain in your electronic personnel file forever. Therefore make sure to retain the right tone and to avoid statements that could be turned against you.

Do not discuss medical issues in your self assessment. This is no criterion for the evaluation process nor for promotion.

New In the text make reference to the following seven criteria (these differ slightly from last year and are now identical with those in the new evaluation reports)

  • Efficiency
  • Ability
  • Conduct
  • Languages
  • Responsibilities
  • Learning
  • General comment

You will find an auto-evaluation template that explain in more detail what to fill into these fields. (.doc. version available)The document is now available in English.

Attention: the limitation to 250 words is only indicative, you may write more if necessary to express your views on your performance in 2011.

New :  there is no Carry-over of last year’s report.  If you want you can inspire yourself on your previous assessment.

Certification for AST ex-B grades who wish to become AD:It is essential that you mention your intention to apply for certification in the self assessment, both in the text and by clicking the relevant box in the SysPer sheet. You also should list in the text of your Self Assessment all AD worth tasks you already performed in your current job in 2011. Your hierarchy needs to confirm their assessment of your ‘potential’ to become AD staff, by clicking an icon in SysPer. You definitely need to discuss this issue and strategy for certification in-depth with your Reporting Officer during the dialogue. For example, you may wish to take on more AD tasks in future, in order to improve your chances.

Work in the interest of the institution:If in the course of 2011 you have carried out work in the interest of the institution, as member of joint committees, competition juries or correcting competition papers, you have to mention this in your self assessment. Your evaluator in this case has to ask for a contribution by the Group Ad Hoc to the appraisal report for this part of your 2011 activity, refer to it and duly take it into account in your appraisal report.

Keep it short and simple. Your hierarchy should know what you have achieved over the year, and what difficulties you have encountered. Remember that drafting factual and concise texts is one of the qualities that mark a good EU staff member.

New: At a later stage, after having received the report and if you are not happy with it, an appeal against the appraisal report is only possible in a dialogue with your evaluator’s boss, in most cases this will be your Director, and upon your explicit request. On this occasion, you will not be able to bring up new facts that you did not previously present in your self assessment or during the dialogue. Your Director is not allowed to take such issues into account when deciding whether to modify or not your appraisal report following the 2nd dialogue. You may be accompanied by a colleague or staff rep during such a 2nd dialogue, if you wish so. R&D experts stand ready to come with you.


Important : New rules have been established. See Annexe II of the Commission Decision of 14.11.2011 on general provisions for implementing Article 45 of the Staff Regulations. It is therefore  important to underline your expectation as to your career development taking into account the distance between your rucksack and your last  threshold as well as the average stay of grades.

The Helpdesk is at your disposal to answer any further request you may have. Do not hesitate to contact our secretariat 55676, Maria Glowacz 90607 and our specialists Helga Vogelmann 59914 , Antonio Lacerda 59339 , Anastassios Anagnostu 65915

see also:

Help Desk CDR 2012

Legal Base of evaluation and promotion – administrative informations