Statement of principles


The "Renouveau & Démocratie" trade union, hereafter referred to as "R&D", takes its inspiration from the new form of pluralist, progressive and democratic trade unionism.

It defends the individual and collective interests of all staff employed in European Institutions and/or the European bodies hereafter referred to as ‘European Institutions’, and of people who, although they work for European Institutions, have no statutory links with them. R&D also defends equality of treatment and of working conditions.

The union aims to achieve a more egalitarian and fairer society. In particular, R&D is committed to defending the aspirations of the most under-privileged, and is opposed to all forms of exclusion, and of discrimination based on gender, religion or membership of democratic and/or philosophic political movements.

R&D is keen to emphasise and maintain its pluralist character, and its priorities include the achievement of trade union unity within European Institutions..

In this spirit, R&D is committed to promoting:

  1. all initiatives aimed at promoting unity of action with other representative trade unions with a view to such activity becoming increasingly stable;

  2. the setting up of workers’ representative structures based on General Meetings, and on delegations democratically chosen by the members themselves;

  3. all forms of solidarity with the trade union movement.

R&D is a democratic and independent trade union.

R&D’s independence is guaranteed, and this is articulated through the exercise, in the broadest sense, of freedom of expression, of democracy, and of members’ active participation in the life of the union and of its statutory bodies.

The General Meeting, the democratic operation of all of the union’s bodies, and respect for majority decisions form the basis for this independence.

R&D takes its responsibilities seriously, and determines its actions independently of hierarchical, political and economic authorities.


Article 1 – Trade Union Action

R&D action seeks to:

broaden members’ involvement in the various statutory and/or staff representational committees that currently exist, and will in the future exist, within European Institution;

defend the interests of staff :

  • by negotiating on bodies set up under agreements with European Institutions;

  • by actively participating in bodies referred to in Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities;

  • by supporting bodies representing different categories of staff in all places where the services of European Institutions are established;

  • by promoting social and/or economic structures that support the interests of staff in European Institutions.

In order to strengthen its resources for action and negotiation, R&D may:

  • set up collaboration structures with other bodies that represent staff in Community Institutions,

  • establish forms of collaboration with national and international trade unions.

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Article 2 – Rights and obligations

All officials, employees and retired staff of European Institutions may seek membership of R&D.

Other forms of association with  R&D may be offered to people who, although they work for European Institutions, have no statutory links with them.

Application for membership of R&D must be made in writing. Membership implies acceptance of these Statutes, and an undertaking that the member may not belong to any other trade union(s) or professional organisation(s) operating in European Institutions.

Membership of other trade unions operating outside European Institutions is permitted so long as the objectives of these organisations are not incompatible with those of R&D.

The Executive Committee rules on all applications for membership. In the event of an application being turned down, the candidate for membership may refer the matter to the Appeals Commission.

Members have the right to be kept regularly informed of R&D’s activities. They may also receive legal assistance over any problem linked to their employment in a European Institution.

Members’ partners and the children of deceased members also qualify for litigation and other legal assistance.

With two exceptions that apply exclusively to the Executive Committee (see Article 4.II), all fully paid-up members who have been in compliance for at least six months have voting rights, and may be elected onto the union’s management bodies.

By taking part in meetings and in union elections, all members are able to help determine union policy, become members of union bodies, and make known their positions on all matters of concern to R&D.

Members may ask the Treasurer in writing for the union’s financial situation at any time; the Treasurer must reply within 30 days.

Members may resign in writing to the Executive Committee at any time. Non-payment of two consecutive dues, following formal notice by the Executive Committee and in the absence of an explanation within 15 days of receipt of the formal notice, shall result in withdrawal of membership. (Any written notice will be sent preferably by e-mail. This applies each time these statutes refer to written notice).

The Executive Committee may ask the Appeals Commission for the expulsion of an R&D member for serious reasons; the Appeals Commission shall give a ruling within one month of hearing the parties. Where the decision is taken to expel, the member may make a final appeal to a General Meeting, which shall give a final ruling on the expulsion by a two-thirds majority.

Serious reasons for expulsion include:

  • using union office on bodies referred to the Staff Regulations for personal gain;

  • non-compliance with decisions reached by the Executive Committee.

Trade union and other opinion currents are accepted and recognised within R&D. Members who belong to these currents may defend their positions with full freedom of expression, and may have access to the union’s information resources. However, these currents must abide by the following principles:

  • they must not develop structures inside or outside the union;

  • they must not oppose the unity, principles, Statutes or programmes of the union;

  • they must comply with agreements and decisions made by the union following free and open debate.

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Article 3 – Finance

The rate of dues is set by the General Meeting following a proposal of the Executive Committee.

R&D may accept gifts, but the General Meeting must be informed.

R&D may both organise activities specifically designed to raise money, and raise levies from members and any other staff employed in European Institutions.

R&D may acquire goods in order to achieve its objectives and/or guarantee its work.

The administration of resources and of goods is conducted transparently and solely in the interests of R&D. To this end, the accounts are published annually.

Article 4 – Bodies

The R&D’s bodies are as follows:

  • the General Meeting;

  • the Executive Committee;

  • the Supervisory Committee;

  • the Appeals Committee.

Article 4.I – General meeting

The General Meeting of members is the union’s supreme body.

The General Meeting of members is convened at least once a year by the Executive Committee. It may also be convened in extraordinary session by the Executive Committee to deal with specific issues at the written request of a third of the members of the Executive Committee, of 50 members, of the Appeals Commission or of the Supervisory Committee.

A written notification of such a General Meting shall be sent to members at least ten working days before the date of the General Meeting. It shall be accompanied by the agenda and, if possible, by supporting documentation.

The General Meeting may amend the agenda by a majority of two thirds of those present. However, if it decides that new issues need to be addressed, another meeting shall be organised within the next 15 days, and all members shall be invited under the same procedure.

In a duly justified emergency, a meeting may be convened within a shorter period of time by the display of posters.

Decisions of the General Meeting are taken by a majority of members present at the meeting.

Amendment to the Statutes is only valid if the majority of members voting represents at least 12.5% of the entire membership. If such a quorum is not in attendance, another General Meeting shall be convened to decide by a majority of members present.

The General Meeting decides mainly on:

  • R&D policies;

  • all amendments to the Statutes;

  • discharge of the outgoing Executive Committee after the Supervisory Committee has presented the Financial Report;

  • the promotion of social and/or economic structures that support the interests of staff in European Institutions;

  • the Supervisory Committee’s report;

  • the Appeals Commission’s report;

  • ways of funding the organisation, and particularly the rate of dues;

  • all serious disputes, and particularly any strike action;

  • the setting up of a "strike solidarity fund" and of ways of funding it.

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Article 4.II – Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is elected every three years under a procedure set out in Article 5. All fully paid-up members who have been in compliance for at six months have voting rights and may stand for office. All categories of staff should, so far as possible, be represented on the Executive Committee.

A simple majority of the Executive Committee may not be of the same nationality. If there are too many of one nationality, the number of votes is the decisive criterion.

Membership of the Executive Committee is incompatible with:

  • membership of the Supervisory Committee;

  • membership of the Appeals Commission.

The Executive Committee has the task of implementing political directives determined by the General Meeting.

It has responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the union.

It informs members of the union’s policies.

It defends the legitimate interests of all staff employed by European Institutions, and of people who, although they work for European Institutions, have no statutory links with them.

It presents the General Meeting with an action plan for the coming period together with a projected budget.

The Executive Committee is made up of 15 members. It elects from its number a President, a General Secretary, a Treasurer, an Organisation Secretary, an Information and Membership Officer, and possibly deputies.

The Executive Committee is quorate if at least eight of its members are present. Decisions are taken by a majority of those present.

Meetings of the Executive Committee are open to all members, except where there is a need for confidentiality.

The Executive Committee takes decisions on all forms of assistance, including legal assistance, in support of members and of people who, although they work for European Institutions, have no statutory links with them.

Article 4.III – Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee is elected every three years. All fully paid-up members who have been in compliance for at least six months have voting rights and may stand for office.

The Supervisory Committee is made up of five members, and is mainly responsible for:

  • ensuring consistency between the union’s policies decided by the General Meeting and the action of the Executive Committee;

  • administering R&D’s money, and ensuring that this money is spent in areas prioritised by the General Meeting.

The members appoint a President.

The President attends meetings of the Executive Committee with no voting rights.

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Article 4.IV – Appeals Commission

The Appeals Commission is elected for the same period of time and under the same procedure as the Supervisory Committee. It is made up of five members, and rules by a majority decision on all internal union disputes. The Commission rules lawfully if re-convened by at least three members. However, expulsion must be approved by at least four of its members.

Matters may be raised with the Appeals Commission by the Executive Committee, by the General Meeting or by a fully paid-up member.

The members appoint a President.

The President attends meetings of the Executive Committee with no voting rights.

Article 5 – Elections

Elections to the union’s statutory bodies shall be conducted as follows:

  1. the outgoing Executive Committee shall call a General Meeting three months before the end of its term of office;

  2. the General Meeting shall set up an Electoral Office with responsibility for organising the forthcoming election. This Office shall work quite independently from the outgoing Executive Committee, and shall act as guarantor for the good conduct of the election, and to ensure that the candidates enjoy equal opportunities and equal treatment. All candidates shall have equal access to the union’s facilities. Candidates may stand on a joint slate;

  3. members of the outgoing Executive Committee may only take decisions of a non-political nature during the period between the calling of an election and the ballot;

  4. members of the Executive Committee, the Supervisory Committee and the Appeals Commission are elected by secret ballot for a period of three years. In each case, they are relieved of their responsibilities 60 working days after the General Meeting.

The elections are valid if the number of candidates exceeds the number of posts by 10%.

R&D is committed to promoting the involvement of women: their representation on electoral lists shall be at least proportional to the number of women members.

Members of the Board of the Executive Committee and of the Supervisory Committee and the Appeals Commission may hold no more than two posts on the same body consecutively.

Article 6 – Dissolution

  1. A decision to dissolve the union may only be taken by a majority of at least four fifths of the entire membership.

  2. In the event of dissolution, it is the responsibility of a duly convened General Meeting to decide on the use of the union’s assets by a simple majority.

  3. The Supervisory Committee has ultimate responsibility for financial management, it determines the amount of total assets, and uses them for the purposes determined by the General Meeting.

Article 7 – Civil responsibility

The civil responsibility of the union and of its members is in all cases limited to the financial assets belonging exclusively to the union.

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