The 14th of December 2001 will remain a key date for the trade union life at the Commission. That day, 4 unions: R&D, FFPE, SFIE and TAO-AFI set about distributing a petition for the defence of trade union pluralism and freedom of expression for trade unions in our Institution. The decisive agreement on the status constituting the Alliance was signed on the 26th of November 2002.

The massive adhesion of the personnel to the petition marked a decisive turn in the cooperation between these four unions. Subsequently, and throughout the negotiations on the Reform package, these same four trade unions have underlined the convergence of their respective positions. Two other unions – Solidarité Européenne and Action et Défense – then joined us in our efforts to limit the damage of the reform.

Thanks to the support and the encouragement of the personnel, the Alliance obtained electoral victory upon electoral victory since 2002. This grouping of forces is a first in the history of social dialogue in the Commission. Since 2005, the Alliance assumes the majority in the social dialogue within the Commission as well as within other Institutions.

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