List # 1

A joint list formed by R&D, RS USHU // U4U and SFE
for the election of the EEAS Staff Committee.

I decided to stand in order to help defending the quality and independence of the EEAS as a genuine EU (and above all European!) civil service.

Notre programme a été établi pour défendre en permanence les intérêts de toutes les catégories du personnel.

The way we have been and still are treated following the setting up of the EEAS convinced me that «things cannot go on like this and something needs to be done to change them ».
I would like to see that we get back, with well defined objectives and stronger guidance, to a working environment where values defended by European Public Service -Respect, Attentiveness and Dialogue, Justice, Altruism – are again taken into account and adopted in a Chart of Good Conduct, at all levels of the EEAS.

As a staff representative, I would like to focus on career perspectives of all EEAS staff, HQ and delegation and put the whole staff and recognition of his work, regardless of category and place of employment, in the core of all discussions.
I would like to create a strong teamwork feeling between all of us and to create a working environment where we can find again the pleasure of working for a common scope. This will allow the EEAS to grow up as a model in the relations between administration and staff

Les défis et les enjeux du Nouveau Service Extérieur exigent une représentation du personnel active et engagée. Pour contribuer valablement à faire face à ces défis, nous avons besoin de femmes et d’hommes de terrain.

My goal is to preserve and enhance the development of the interests of agents regardless of status or place of employment.

A l’écoute des Fonctionnaires, Agents contractuels ou Agents Locaux, force est de constater, qu’aux difficultés anciennes issues de réformes inachevées, s’ajoute maintenant un profond désarroi face à l’apparition de nouveaux cloisonnements institutionnels. Les fonctionnaires du SEAE et de la Commission ont du mal à comprendre le fossé qui se creuse artificiellement entre eux.

Actually, I never thought that one day I would be willing to join staff representation but the state of play of the EEAS has challenged me to do it. The EEAS has not yet been able to develop into a coherent and effective organisation. Fundamental issues such as equal treatment, transparency, particularly with regard to recruitment and mobility, the existence of a competent management and accountability, remain open.

Mon défi, une fois élu sur la liste NEAR YOU, sera effectivement de veiller à ce que le programme que nous proposons soit bien défendu et surtout de veiller à ce que les injustices soient corrigées.

I want to defend our position and interests in areas that affect all of us such as the 2012 interinstitutional negotiations for the revision of the staff regulation, flexible working arrangements, home working/teleworking, health and wellbeing at work, and improve combination between private and working life.

It is vital that staff representations can play an important role vis-à-vis the Administration and have a strong basis to act in the interest of all staff.

Pour préserver et consolider ce qui nous unit tous: notre engagement dans un projet européen en danger!

As a staff representative, I would like to focus on issues concerning career perspectives of all EEAS staff, including the staff in the Delegations. I pay attention to the recruitment practice and the equality and transparence within the selection process. Decent working conditions and a healthy working environment are also topics of my great consideration.

Il faut que les conditions de travail et les perspectives de carrière de tous, fonctionnaires, temporaires, agents contractuels et agents locaux soient à la hauteur de la tâche que l’on nous confie.

List NEAR You   n° 1

Vote for the whole list ! only by voting for the whole list you will allow our team to keep the maximum coherence and work for you efficiently!

1 Davydova Viktoriia Soret Bertrand
2 Di Rosa Laura Riccio Manuela
3 Kopp Ferdinand Hounkpe Armand
4 Ory Carole Berchtold Marie-Thérèse
5 Zaratiegui Biurrun Juan Cottave-Claudet Muriel
6 Marinelli Sergio Buda Dirk
7 Caldarone Maurizio Loum Papa-Mapaté
8 Munoz Gomez Saturnino Blonde Piet
9 Ongoiba Aminata Migani Ferruccio
10 Horemans Katarzyna Martinez Recuero Andres
11 Hinteregger Peter Thelen Brunhilde
12 Sokari-George Ugo Boulanger Georges
13 Albanese Giancarlo Huppertz Marie-France
14 Thakkar Sumeet Sorg Christoph
15 Neisse Frank Bolduan Ute
16 Cammarata Angela Rothacher Albrecht
17 Urbanik Jakub Bougé Hervé
18 Fievet Bruno Mavrikis Susannah
19 Maurer Maria-Anna Karatari Eugenia
20 Landaburu Eneko Kamdem Noël