While others still looking for solutions, R&D found …
The new contract staff’s general implementing provisions (GIP).
They were adopted and are going to come into force. Concretely, here are the elements of progress which were negotiated for you:



They will be adapted to the searched professional profiles and in the language of the candidate when it is possible.
R&D asked that the new test EPSO is organized as quickly as possible. They are planned for September, 2011.

R&D will continue to offer you free trainings to our members.

For all news, www.renouveau-democratie.eu


The conditions of reclassification are improved and R&D will continue to put all its expertise to advise you and defend you in case of problem.

3. CA 3BIS

CAREER – a career plan has been set up based on average durability offices. R&D has specialists’ team ready to advise some 6.000 colleagues who have to every year fulfil their REC and 3.000 eligible to the promotion. The CDR CA is going to begin in March.

For more information, www.renouveau-democratie.eu

ACCESS TO the UPPER GROUP OF FUNCTION WITHOUT LOSS OF the permanent contract is assured.
The big news for the colleagues who succeeded to EPSO tests of the group of function upper to the one in which they were recruited.

For more information, renouveau-démocratie.eu

After an intense and long social dialog, R&D and his partners thus made all which was possible to reduce the precariousness, give career perspectives to the colleagues and make respect the status by DG. In spite of the efforts, R&D is conscious that it is not still sufficient. We still have to:
• finalize texts on the CORE and NON CORE tasks (the institution has no right to give a work of official to a contract agent without the salary that goes with it! A simple matter of common sense, responsibility and justice;
• set up the market of the internal and inter-institutional recruitments because too often nobody knows which the available posts are;
• defend even increase the number of officials positions because without posts, no competition, no competition no ways to become a EU official;
• defend the method of wage adaptation so that it still applies to the salaries of the contract agents;
• ensure also the defence contractual agents in agencies